32x 780 Grand Dad Kart Fighter 10 in 1

I was once wasting my time looking for copies of Super Mario Bros 2 ( The lost levels, not Super Mario USA. ) with an NES, after hours of research ( 2 and a half to be precise. ), I found a the perfect bundle, it costed only 14 dollars. It shipped to me 2 days later, then I found a crappy Plug-And-Play-Like console in my mail, it was written "In China it was made", then I was like "Socrates, did you write poems on this ?".
I booted up to see something life changing ( or not ) and there It had 100 games in 1, so I saw one game called "Grand Dad : Levels Lost" and of course, everyone expected crappy "Chinglish" grammar. I selected the game, then it was written "32x 780 Grand Dad Kart Fighter 10 in 1". I played all the games... But there was one left, it was called "Kart Dad", I selected it and the game was suprisingly called "Supreme Ultimate Grand Flint Dad Fight Kart Revolution". My jaw literally dropped to the ground. There was a caption written "Press Start Up and Press C" and "1995 3". There was a sprite of a mix between Grand Dad and a Flintstones OC( Seriously, couldn't the writer of this come up with something more creative? ). I played the game, there was tons of Old Chinese characters on the tiles, there was some easter eggs which were sound files of people speaking Proto-Indoeuropean ( I asked a linguist about it. ). At the end of the game there was a message saying "The End it is, Great Dad Flint... Defeated was Lord Dark Nokonoko ( Japanese for Koopa Troopa ). Next day, I received a notification from Trollpasta telling me that I wasn't banned anymore. ( And it also appeared on the console for some reason.)
What a weird story... I also apologize to the members of this Wikia.